Rome was not Built in a Day: Descriptive Essay Writing

The ancient Roman Empire is considered a very beautiful and great symbol of the past. The city of Rome was its capital. Rome is renowned for its architectural beauty. It has many beautiful buildings, parks, gardens and fountains. But all those things were not built overnight. It took the pain and labour of many slaves to complete the construction. So it is a fact that nothing can be achieved overnight. We simply cannot hope to achieve anything great within a day. Only through patient and hard labour can anything of real significance be achieved. Writing a book for example cannot be achieved with computer or modern technology alone. It needs real brain work. Only by using one’s imagination and patient toil can such a thing be done. Likewise if we want to reach high position in life, we should put in hard toil for years. This proverb metaphorically means great position can be reached only through persistent work.

Rome was not built in a day is an idiom which is an idiom which stands appropriate in today’s era. The true meaning nothing great comes without hard work and time dedication. To achieve success in life, one needs to work hard. Then only dreams can come to reality. Many people struggle in life but only a few achieve success. Therefore everything takes time. So one should only aim for determination in life. Success would follow its’ path.

The substance of this great proverb illuminates that behind every achievement there is hard work and ceaseless efforts put by numerous people whether rain or shine. So many examples can be quoted in this regard.

Ancient Rome was known as the Eternal City. It had ruled much of Europe as well as the lands around Mediterranean for many centuries. There is a similarity between Rome and Tirumala, the abode of Lord Balaji in India. Rome was also built on the seven hills known as Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal. What a great coincidence it is. To add few more feathers to its crown, ancient Rome had the world’s richest collections of heritage buildings, Arts treasures, the Trevi fountains, St. Peters Church in Vatican, Rome is the residence of Pope, and above all the arena there called Colosseum where games were held and gladiators fought until death while 80,000 spectators sat and watched – if all these were breath-taking sights there at that time – the present day Rome is no less. Now it is the major centre for film making, publishing and tourism.