Online Test of Chapter – 8 Clothing: A Social History Test 1 | History Class 9th Social Science (S.St)

Q.1- By which revolution the existing dress codes in Europe were swept away?
A. American
b. French
c. Indian
d. None of these

Q.2- When did the people of France were expected to strictly follow the ‘Sumptuary Laws’?
a. 1294 to 1798
b. 1350 to 1890
c. 1550 to 1800
d. 1200 to 1600

Q.3- Which is the symbol of Simplicity of clothing in France?
a. Fraternity
b. Liberty
c. Equality
d. None of these

Q.4- Which law does England passed to compel all persons over 6 years of age?
a. Some sumptuary laws were made to promote the religion
b. Some sumptuary laws were passed to protect home production against imports
c. All sumptuary laws were meant to emphasise social hierarchy
d. None of these

Q.5- Why were women in Victorian England tightly laced up and dressed in stays?
a. Women looked graceful
b. Clothes become comfortable
c. They were dutiful and docile
d. None of these

Q.6- Which associations in the USA campaigned for dress reform?
a. National Woman Suffrage Association
b. American Woman Suffrage Association
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Q.7- When was ‘Rational Dress Society’ started?
a. 1750
b. 1881
c. 1890
d. 1900

Q.8- Who was the first American dress reformer to launch loose tunics?
a. Mrs Amelia Bloomer
b. Martha Somerville
c. Queen Victoria
d. None of the above

Q.9- What was the reason behind the clothes get shorter during the First World War?
a. New dressing laws were passed
b. Shortage of cloth
c. Out of practical necessity at workplace
d. None of these

Q.10- When did women in England start agitating for democratic rights?
a. 1835
b. 1825
c. 1840
d. 1830

Chapter - 8 Clothing : A Social History Class - 10th | Quiz - 1

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