Questions :-

1.What is not poisoning among these?
a. scorpion
b. centipede
c. spider
d. crab

2.Humans are …………. blooded organisms.
a. cold
b. metanephridia
c. warm
d. both (a) and (c)

3.Which sub group in plant kingdom produces flowers?
a. Angiosperms
b. fungi
c. mosses
d. ferns

4.Choose the vascular plants out of these.
a. mosses
b. liverworts
c. hornworts
d. ferns

5.A bacteria lack?
a. endoplasmic reticulum
b. DNA.
c. cell wall
d. cytoplasm

6.In which organism flame cells form the excretory system?
a. flatworms
b. earthworms
c. insects
d. crabs

7.Which of the these are found filamentous
a. Spirogyra
b. euglena
c. chlamydomonas
d. amoeba

8.Which is not the property of amphibians and reptiles ?
a. Lay eggs
b. Cold blooded, three-chambered heart
c. Mammary glands present
d. none of these

9.Shark and Lion is example of?
a. Arthropoda
b. Cartilaginous fish
c. bony fish
d. cnidarian

10.What is the phylum of Octopus?
a. Arthropoda
b. Mollusca
c. Annelida
d. cnidarian

Chapter - 7 Diversity in living organism Quiz 2 | Class 9th

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