Online Test of Chapter 5 The Fundamental unit of Life Quiz 1 Science| Class 9th

1. Who discovered the nucleus of the cell?
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Robert brown
(c) Leeuwenhoek
(d) Purkinje

2. Which of the following are the main constituents of cell wall?
(a) Cellulose
(b) Pectin
(c) starch
(d) Protein

3. Who coined the term protoplasm?
(a) Virchow
(b) Leeuwenhoek
(c) Purkinje
(d) Robert Hooke

4. Which of the following is called power house of cell?
(a) Lysosome
(b) Nucleus
(c) Mitochondrion
(d) Golgi body

5. Which of the following is called kitchen of the cell?
(a) Golgi body
(b) Mitochondrion
(c) Lysosome
(d) Nucleus

6. Which of the cell organelles consists of chloroplast?
(a) Plastids
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Vacuoles
(d) Cell wall

7. Which of the following cell organelle is called suicidal bag of cell?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Lysosome
(c) Golgi body
(d) Cytoplasm

8.Root hair absorbs water from soil through
(a) Osmosis
(b) Active transport
(c) Diffusion
(d) Endocytosis

9. Which of the following is called store house of cell?
(a) Golgi body
(b) Mitochondria
(b) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Cell wall

10. Double membrane is absent in-
(a) Mitochondrion
(b) Chloroplast
(c) Nucleus
(d) Lysosome

Chapter 5 The Fundamental unit of Life Quiz 1| Class 9th

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