Online Test of Chapter – 2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources Test 1 | Geography Class 8th Social Science (S.St)

Q.1.Why is different crops grown in different regions of our country?
a. Different climate condition
b. Different terrain
c. Different soil type
d. All of the above

Q. 2. What is organic farming?
a. Farming done by chemical process
b. Farming done by natural method
c. Farming done by technology
d. None of these

Q. 3. What is horticulture?
a. Growing of vegetables
b. Growing of flowers
c. Growing of fruits
d. All of the above

Q. 4. What is the science of commercially cultivation of grapes called?
a. Horticulture
b. Viticulture
c. Sericulture
d. None of these

Q. 5. What is the science of commercial rearing of silk worms called?
a. Horticulture
b. Viticulture
c. Sericulture
d. None of these

Q. 6. What kind of an activity is agriculture?
a. Primary activity
b. Secondary activity
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Q. 7. What are tertiary activities?
a. Provide support to only primary activities
b. Provide support to primary and secondary activities
c. Provide support to only secondary activities
d. None of these

Q. 8. What are secondary activities?
a. Use the resources produced from the primary activities
b. Use the resources produced from the tertiary activities
c. Use own produced resources
d. None of these

Q. 9. Where does the word ‘agriculture’ originated from?
a. Latin term Agri means soil
b. Latin term culture means cultivation
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Q. 10. What do you understand by coarse grains?
a. Millets
b. Wheat
c. Rice
d. All of these

Quiz: Chapter - 4 Agriculture Class - 8th Quiz - 2

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