Ch 10 Circles- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 10 Circles- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths 1.The length of tangent PQ, from an external point P is 24 cm. If the distance of the point P from the centre is 25 cm, then the diameter of the circle is 14 cm.17 cm.12 cm.19 cm. 2. A tangent PQ at point of contact P to a circle of radius 12 cm meets the line through centre O to a point Q such that OQ = 20 cm, length of tangent PQ is : 16 cm 12 cm 19 cm 11 cm 3. PQ is a tangent...

Ch 10 Circles- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 10 Circles- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths A point P is 10 cm from the centre of a circle. The length of the tangent drawn from P to the circle is 8 cm. The radius of the circle is equal to 11 cm 10 cm 6 cm 8 cm 2. A point P is 25 cm from the centre of a circle. The radius of the circle is 7 cm and length of the tangent drawn from P to the circle is x cm. The value of x = 14 cm 20 cm 24 cm 22 cm 3. In fig, O is the centre of the circle,...

Ch 7 Coordinate Geometry- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 7 Coordinate Geometry- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths 1.The distance of the point (– 3, 4) from the origin is 15 units 25 units 5 units 1 unit 2. If A and B are the points (– 6, 7) and (– 1, – 5) respectively, then the distance 2AB is equal to 26 units 13 units 15 units 20 units. 22 units 20 units 26 units none of these 3. The distance between the points (a, a) and (−√3a,√3a) is 2√2a units 3√2a units 2 units 2√2 units 4. Three consec...

Ch 7 Coordinate Geometry- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 7 Coordinate Geometry- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths 1.The distance between A (1, 3) and B (x, 7) is 5. The value of x > 0 is 1 2 3 4 2. Mid-point of the line-segment joining the points (– 5, 4) and (9, – 8) is : (– 4, 3) ( 2, 1) (– 2, 2) (2, – 2) 3. The co-ordinates of the points which divides the join of (– 2, – 2) and (– 5, 7) in the ratio 2 : 1 is (-4, 4) (4, – 4) (-4, – 4) none of these 4. The co-ordinates of the point on x-...

Ch 6 Triangles- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 6 Triangles- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths 1.In triangle PQR length of the side QR is less than twice the length of the side PQ by 2 cm. Length of the side PR exceeds the length of the side PQ by 10 cm. The perimeter is 40 cm. The length of the smallest side of the triangle PQR is : 7 cm 10 cm 8 cm 6 cm 2. In the given figure ΔABO ∼ ΔDCO. If CD = 2cm, AB = 3 cm, OC = 3.2 cm, OD = 2.4 cm, then OA = 3.2 cm, OB = 4.5 cm OA = 3.6 cm, OB = 4.8...

Ch 6 Triangles- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 6 Triangles- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths 1.Triangle ABC is such that AB = 3 cm, BC = 2 cm and CA = 2.5 cm. Triangle DEF is similar to ΔABC. If EF = 4 cm, then the perimeter of ΔDEF is : 10 cm 15 cm 9.5 cm 20 cm 2. In ΔABC, AB = 3 cm, AC = 4 cm and AD is the bisector of ∠A. Then, BD : DC is : 6 : 5 3 : 4 3 : 8 7 : 2 3. In an equilateral triangle ABC, if AD ⊥ BC, then: 2AB2 = 3AD2 4AB2 = 3AD2 3AB2 = 4AD2 None of the above 4. ABC is ...

Ch 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables- MCQ Online Test 2 Class 10 Maths 1.The solution of px + qy = p – q and qx – py = p + q is x = 1 and y = – 1x = – 1 and y = 1x = 0 and y = 0x = 1 and y = 1 2. The value of ‘a’ so that the point (3, a) lies on the line represented by 2x – 3y = 5 is -1/3-111/3 3. If (x + 1) is a factor of 2x³ + ax² + 2bx + 1, then find the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’, given that 2a – 3b = 4 a = 5 and b = 2a = – 5 and b = – 2a ...

Ch 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths 1. 4 chairs and 3 tables cost Rs.2100 and 5 chairs and 2 tables costs Rs 1750. The cost of a chair is Rs.150Rs.500Rs.250Rs.350 2. I am three times as old as my son. Five years later, I shall be two and a half times as old as my son. My present age is 50 years15 years45 years20 years 3. If 2x – 3y = 11 and (a + b)x – (a + b – 3)y = 4a + b has infinite number of solution...

Ch 15 Probability- MCQ Online Test 3 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 15 Probability- MCQ Online Test 3 Class 10 Maths 1. A letter of English alphabets is chosen at random. What will be the probability that the letter chosen is a vowel? a. 17/26 b. 19/26 c. 5/26 d. 15/26 2. A lot consists of 40 mobile phones of which 32 are good, 3 have only minor defects and 5 have major defects. Ram will buy a phone if it is good or have minor defects. One phone is selected at random. What will be the probability that it is accepta

Ch 15 Probability- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 15 Probability- MCQ Online Test 1 Class 10 Maths 1. If ‘φ’ is an impossible event, then find the value of p(φ)? a. 2 b. 5 c. 0 d. 3 2. If S is the sample space of a random experiment, then find p(S)? a. 5 b. 1 c. 3 d. 2 3. If ‘p’ is the probability of an event, then p satisfies which of the following? a. 0 < p ⩽1 b. 0 ⩽ p <1 c. 0 < p < 1 d. 0 ⩽ p ⩽ 1 4. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting a doublet? a.