Online Test of Chapter 2 Is Matter Around us Pure 3 Science| Class 9th

Questions :

1. The properties of mixture are _______ from its components.
(a) similar
(b) slightly different
(c) entirely different
(d) different

2. The smell of hydrogen sulphide (HS) gas is
(a) pleasant
(b) of rotten eggs
(c) of burning sulphur
(d) None of these

3. Water is a compound because its
(a) composition is fixed
(b) properties are different from its components
(c) components can be separated by chemical methods
(d) All of these

4. Which of the following is a colloid?
(a) Aluminium paint
(b) Blood
(c) Milk
(d) All

5. Which of the following is a true solution?
(a) Milk
(b) Chalk powder in water
(c) Salt solution
(d) Blood

6. Which of the following will show Tyndall effect?
(a) Milk
(b) Salt solution
(c) Vinegar
(d) Sulphur in water

7. When iron and sulphur are heated at high temperature
(a) Black coloured FeS is formed
(b) Mixture of iron and sulphur is obtained
(c) Yellow coloured iron sulphide is formed
(d) They do not heat.

8. The process of separation of insoluble solids from a liquid is called:
(a) Filtration
(b) Decantation
(c) Crystallisation
(d) Evaporation

9. The process used to separate oil and water is
(a) Distillation
(b) Sublimation
(c) Separating funnel
(d) Chromatography

10. The size of the colloidal particle is in the range of
(a) 1 Å to 100 Å
(b) 1 nm to 100 nm
(c) 10-9 m to 10-6 m
(d) 10-9 cm to 10-7 cm

11. Cloud is an example of
(a) liquid dispersed in a gas
(b) solid dispersed in a gas
(c) liquid dispersed in a solid
(d) solid dispersed in a solid

Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz 3| Class 9th

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